
Engaged Academic of the Year Award

Richa Awasthy

Finalist of the Engaged Academic of the Year Award

University of Canberra - Australia

"Together, we create future-ready graduates"

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(A passionate educator dedicated to enhancing students' learning experience in collaboration with industry.)

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Identifying the value of industry-collaboration for enhancing students' learning, I present the pedagogical approach with sporadic, continuous and intensive industry collaboration interventions. The approach is aimed at providing more industry-relevant education with authentic hands-on experience and preparation for industry certification. The educational experience improves industry-readiness of graduates.


I would like to acknowledge the support from our various industry partners.


Industry-collaborative pedagogical approach


Impacting lifes

'ACT Education AI/ML Bootcamp' survey conducted by AWS at the end of the Bootcamp 2023 resulted in average satisfaction score of 91.8% with sample student feedback demonstrating the value of the Bootcamp: “Great experience. The organisers were amazing and were really accommodating. The content was also really engaging and informative, with some interesting and engaging practical activities.”

The collaborative pedagogy has been instrumental in better preparing students for IT jobs.


Lessons learned

There is nothing to replace hands-on experience for students' learning. Industry-collaboration is imperative to improve our graduates industry-readiness.
One fit approach is not viable, Hence, we need to implement variety of intervention mechanisms.
There is always more to be achieved when it comes to teaching and learning.


What's coming?

My future plan is to expand the collaborative pedagogical approach beyond the current discipline. A more systematic approach will be applied to engage more industry-partners in the collaborative pedagogical approach.
The approach will be applied to achieve excellence in Work-integrated Learning.


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