Categories for the Asia-Pacific Awards

Celebrating excellence in 14 areas of entrepreneurship and engagement


At the core of the 2024 Asia-Pacific Triple E Awards are 15 award categories in the field of entrepreneurship and engagement.


The 15 Awards of the 2024 Asia-Pacific Triple E Awards cover 3 different levels, namely the institutional level, the individual/team level, and initiative level.


Institutional Awards


Individual & Team Awards


Initiative Awards


Finalists in Each Award Category

Apply now to get recognised as a top 5 finalist at the Awards Ceremony in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Detailed Description of Award Categories

Lifetime Achievement Award in University Transformation


The "Lifetime Achievement Award in University Transformation" honours an individual who has demonstrated a lifelong commitment to and profound impact on transforming higher education. This prestigious award recognizes a visionary leader whose contributions have significantly reshaped the landscape of a university, impacting academic programs, research, student experience, and institutional culture. The recipient of this award is someone who has not only led substantial changes within their institution but has also influenced higher education practices on a broader scale. Their legacy may include, amongst others, fostering innovative teaching and learning methods, driving forward-thinking research agendas, and creating an inclusive and dynamic university environment. This award celebrates a career dedicated to redefining what a university can be, leaving an indelible mark on the fabric of higher education and setting a benchmark for future leaders to aspire to.

Evaluation criteria:
Please refer to the submission template for more information.

  • Long-term Impact and Legacy
  • Innovation and Visionary Leadership
  • Influence on Academic and Student Excellence
  • Commitment to Inclusivity and Diversity


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Long-term Impact and Legacy 30%

Innovation and Visionary Leadership 30%

Influence on Academic and Student Excellence 20%

Commitment to Inclusivity and Diversity 20%

TOTAL 100%

Entrepreneurial University of the Year


The Entrepreneurial University Award honours an academic institution for its exemplary approach in ingraining entrepreneurship as a fundamental aspect of its identity and operations. This institution has crafted a distinctive philosophy of entrepreneurship that aligns seamlessly with its operational context. By embedding entrepreneurial principles at the core of its ethos, the university ensures that these values are not only instilled amongst its faculty and students but also embodied in the institution's own strategies and operations. This holistic embrace of entrepreneurial spirit enables the university to exert a substantial positive influence on a diverse array of stakeholders, demonstrating a commitment to innovation, leadership, and societal impact in the realm of higher education.

Evaluation criteria:
Please refer to the submission template for more information.

  • Entrepreneurial Culture and Leadership
  • Integration of Entrepreneurship in Curriculum and Research
  • Support Systems and Resources for Entrepreneurship
  • Student and Faculty Entrepreneurial Achievements
  • Sustainability and Impact of Entrepreneurial Initiatives


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Entrepreneurial Culture and Leadership 20%

Integration of Entrepreneurship in Curriculum and Research 20%

Support Systems and Resources for Entrepreneurship 20%

Student and Faculty Entrepreneurial Achievements 20%

Sustainability and Impact of Entrepreneurial Initiatives 20%

TOTAL 100%

Engaged & Sustainable University of the Year


The Engaged and Sustainable University Award recognises an institution that has designed and implemented its own approach to integrating sustainability and community engagement within its core operations and culture. This institution exemplifies a profound commitment to environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and active participation in community development. Their initiatives demonstrate an innovative and comprehensive strategy that embeds sustainable practices across all aspects of university life, from academic curricula and research endeavours to campus operations and public outreach. The university not only educates and inspires its students and staff about sustainability but also acts as a proactive agent of change, positively influencing its communities, may they be local, regional, national or international. The institution's dedication to sustainability is deeply woven into its identity, reflecting a model of excellence for others to follow.

Evaluation criteria:
Please refer to the submission template for more information.

  • Integration of Sustainability and Engagement in University Operations
  • Impact and Innovation in Sustainable Practices
  • Community Collaboration and Social Responsibility
  • Long-term Commitment and Strategy for Sustainability and Engagement


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Integration of Sustainability and Engagement in University Operations 20%

Impact and Innovation in Sustainable Practices 30%

Community Collaboration and Social Responsibility 25%

Long-term Commitment and Strategy for Sustainability and Engagement 25%

TOTAL 100%

Entrepreneurial Leader of the Year


The Entrepreneurial Leader of the Year Award is bestowed upon an individual who has shown exemplary leadership in enhancing the entrepreneurial profile of an academic institution or its specific units, be they academic or support oriented. This recognition is open to leaders at various levels, encompassing university-wide roles, faculty or school administration, departmental leadership, research unit direction, and support unit management. Candidates for this award are distinguished by their remarkable contributions to fostering an entrepreneurial spirit and strategic vision within their realms of influence, thereby significantly advancing the institution's entrepreneurial endeavours.

Evaluation criteria:
Please refer to the submission template for more information.

  • Visionary Leadership and Strategic Impact
  • Innovation and Creativity in Leadership
  • Influence and Inspirational Impact
  • Sustainable Development and Community Engagement


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Visionary Leadership and Strategic Impact 30%

Innovation and Creativity in Leadership 20%

Influence and Inspirational Impact 30%

Sustainable Development and Community Engagement 20%

TOTAL 100%

Sustainability Leader of the Year


The Sustainability Leader of the Year Award is a prestigious accolade that celebrates individuals within universities who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in advancing sustainability initiatives. This award recognizes leaders at various levels within the university community, including academic, administrative, and support roles, who have made remarkable contributions to enhancing sustainability practices and principles. The ideal recipient of this award is an individual who has championed sustainability efforts, leading by example and inspiring positive change within the university environment. Their leadership may encompass a wide range of activities, such as developing and implementing sustainability programs, advocating for eco-friendly policies, fostering collaborations with external stakeholders, or spearheading sustainability research and education. This award highlights commitment to environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and economic viability, underscoring the importance of sustainability leadership in creating a better future for both the university and the wider community.

Evaluation criteria:
Please refer to the submission template for more information.

  • Visionary Sustainability Leadership
  • Innovation and Adaptability
  • Engagement and Collaboration
  • Impact and Achievements in Sustainability


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Visionary Sustainability Leadership 30%

Innovation and Adaptability 30%

Engagement and Collaboration 20%

Impact and Achievements in Sustainability 20%

TOTAL 100%

Entrepreneurship Educator of the Year


The Entrepreneurship Educator of the Year Award is conferred upon an individual who has exhibited exceptional proficiency in the creation and execution of entrepreneurship courses. This Award is designated for educators who, with their fervent passion for entrepreneurship, not only impart knowledge but also ignite in their students the aspiration to embark on entrepreneurial ventures and forge innovative solutions for future challenges. The award is open to faculty members across all academic ranks, including professors and lecturers, who have made significant contributions to cultivating the entrepreneurial mindset and skills among their students.

Evaluation criteria:
Please refer to the submission template for more information.

  • Innovative Teaching Methods and Curriculum Development
  • Impact on Student Learning and Entrepreneurial Development
  • Engagement and Mentorship
  • Contribution to the Field of Entrepreneurship Education


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Innovative Teaching Methods and Curriculum Development 30%

Impact on Student Learning and Entrepreneurial Development 30%

Engagement and Mentorship 20%

Contribution to the Field of Entrepreneurship Education 20%

TOTAL 100%

Engaged Academic of the Year


The Engaged Academic of the Year Award honors an individual from the academic realm who has shown exceptional dedication and effectiveness in engaging with outside stakeholders. This award is designed to recognize a faculty member, researcher, or academic professional who has gone beyond the traditional scope of academic duties to actively and meaningfully connect with external entities such as industry partners, community organizations, governmental bodies, or non-profits. The ideal candidate for this award is someone who demonstrates a strong commitment to applying academic expertise in a way that directly benefits society. This includes translating research into practical solutions, participating in collaborative projects with external partners, contributing to policy development, or actively working on community-based initiatives. Their engagement should exemplify how academic knowledge and research can be effectively integrated with external needs and challenges, leading to impactful outcomes. The award highlights the importance of bridging the gap between academia and the wider world, acknowledging the vital role that academics play in driving societal progress through active engagement with stakeholders outside the university.

Evaluation criteria:
Please refer to the submission template for more information.

  • Extent and Quality of Stakeholder Engagement
  • Application of Academic Expertise to External Challenges
  • Innovation in Engagement Practices
  • Impact on Business and/or Society


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Extent and Quality of Stakeholder Engagement 30%

Application of Academic Expertise to External Challenges 30%

Innovation in Engagement Practices 20%

Impact on Business and/or Society 20%

TOTAL 100%

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Activators of the Year


The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Activators of the Year Award celebrates a team that has made exceptional contributions to promoting entrepreneurship and innovation within the realm of higher education. This prestigious accolade is reserved for groups that have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to fostering an entrepreneurial spirit and innovative mindset among students, faculty, and the wider academic community. The award-winning team could comprise educators, administrators, mentors, or any combination of individuals working collaboratively to create an environment conducive to entrepreneurship and innovation. This team stands out for its efforts in developing programs, workshops, competitions, and networks that encourage and support the pursuit of innovative projects and entrepreneurial ventures. Their work is characterized by a passion for innovation, a dedication to mentoring aspiring entrepreneurs, and a commitment to bridging the gap between academic theory and practical application. The ideal team not only inspires and educates but also provides the necessary resources and connections to turn ideas into reality. This award recognizes the team's significant role in cultivating a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem within their institution, making a lasting impact on the students and faculty they serve and contributing to the broader field of higher education.

Evaluation criteria:
Please refer to the submission template for more information.

  • Program Development and Implementation
  • Engagement and Outreach
  • Innovation in Approach
  • Impact on Entrepreneurial Culture


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Program Development and Implementation 30%

Engagement and Outreach 30%

Innovation in Approach 20%

Impact on Entrepreneurial Culture 20%

TOTAL 100%

Impactful Research Team of the Year


The Impactful Research Team of the Year Award is dedicated to recognizing a group of individuals within a university or academic setting who have collectively made outstanding contributions through their research. This award highlights a team that has demonstrated exceptional collaboration, innovation, and impact in their field of study. The ideal research team is one that has not only advanced academic knowledge but has also applied this knowledge in ways that have a significant and positive impact on society, industry, or the environment. The team serves as an inspiration and model for how collaborative research can transcend traditional academic boundaries and make a meaningful difference in the world.

Evaluation criteria:
Please refer to the submission template for more information.

  • Research Innovation and Originality
  • Collaboration and Knowledge Integration
  • Impact on Society, Industry, or Environment
  • Scalability and Future Potential of Research


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Research Innovation and Originality 30%

Collaboration and Knowledge Integration 20%

Impact on Society, Industry, or Environment 30%

Scalability and Future Potential of Research 20%

TOTAL 100%

Impactful Collaboration of the Year


The Impactful Collaboration of the Year Award is designed to recognize and celebrate a significant partnership between a university and an external entity, such as industry, government, or community organizations. This award highlights a collaboration that has resulted in substantial and meaningful outcomes, significantly benefiting not only the parties involved but also potentially broader sectors or the public. The ideal collaborative effort for this award is one that leverages the strengths and resources of both the university and the external partner to achieve common goals. It should demonstrate a deep commitment to working together, characterized by mutual respect, shared expertise, and a joint vision. The collaboration could be in various forms, such as research projects, educational programs, community initiatives, or policy development. This award seeks to honor collaborations that exemplify effective and innovative partnerships, leading to impactful results like groundbreaking research findings, significant advancements in a particular field, enhanced community services, or influential policy changes. The Impactful Collaboration of the Year Award recognizes these joint efforts as models of successful university-external partnerships, showcasing the extraordinary potential of collaborative endeavors in making a positive and lasting impact on society.

Evaluation criteria:
Please refer to the submission template for more information.

  • Effectiveness and Synergy of the Partnership
  • Innovation and Creativity in Collaboration
  • Tangible Impact and Results
  • Sustainability and Potential for Ongoing Collaboration


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Effectiveness and Synergy of the Partnership 30%

Innovation and Creativity in Collaboration 20%

Tangible Impact and Results 30%

Sustainability and Potential for Ongoing Collaboration 20%

TOTAL 100%

Skills and Employability Enhancement of the Year


The "Skills and Employability Enhancement of the Year" Award is dedicated to recognizing a standout initiative, program, or strategy implemented by a university that has made a significant contribution to enhancing the skills and employability of its students. This prestigious award acknowledges the efforts of a university in bridging the gap between academic learning and the demands of the modern workforce. The award-winning initiative may include but is not limited to innovative curricular reforms, practical skill-building workshops, or effective industry partnerships that provide real-world experience and exposure (these are examples only). Ideal candidates for this award are initiatives that have demonstrably improved students' readiness for employment, equipped them with critical, in-demand skills, and significantly boosted their prospects in the job market. This award celebrates a university's commitment to preparing its graduates not just for academic success, but for thriving careers and meaningful contributions in their chosen fields.

Evaluation criteria:
Please refer to the submission template for more information.

  • Alignment with Industry Needs
  • Innovative Approaches to Learning and Training and Effectiveness in Skill Development
  • Involvement of Industry and External Stakeholders
  • Impact on Employability and Career Success


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Alignment with Industry Needs 30%

Innovative Approaches to Learning and Training and Effectiveness in Skill Development 30%

Involvement of Industry and External Stakeholders 20%

Impact on Employability and Career Success 20%

TOTAL 100%

Innovation and Collaboration Space of the Year


The Innovation and Collaboration Space of the Year Award is a prestigious recognition for an exceptional space linked to a university, such as an incubator, science park, or a similar collaborative environment. This award honors a space that stands out for its outstanding contributions to fostering innovation, collaboration, and entrepreneurship within the academic community and beyond. The ideal candidate for this award is a space that not only provides the physical infrastructure but also cultivates an ecosystem where students, researchers, industry experts, and entrepreneurs can interact, share ideas, and work together on innovative projects. It should be a hub of activity, offering resources such as state-of-the-art facilities, mentorship programs, networking events, and support services that encourage the development and growth of new ventures. The award recognizes spaces that have successfully bridged the gap between academic research and practical application, facilitating the transfer of knowledge and technology from the university to the marketplace. Such spaces play a crucial role in enhancing the entrepreneurial culture within the university, contributing significantly to economic development, and providing valuable learning and growth opportunities for all participants involved. The Innovation and Collaboration Space of the Year Award celebrates the vision, creativity, and impact of these unique environments in nurturing the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs.

Evaluation criteria:
Please refer to the submission template for more information.

  • Facilitation of Innovation and Creativity
  • Quality and Diversity of Support Services
  • Collaborative Environment and Community Engagement
  • Impact on University and Wider Community


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Facilitation of Innovation and Creativity 30%

Quality and Diversity of Support Services 20%

Collaborative Environment and Community Engagement 30%

Impact on University and Wider Community 20%

TOTAL 100%

Digital Innovation of the Year


The Digital Innovation of the Year Award celebrates a groundbreaking technological advancement or digital solution that has been implemented within a higher education institution. This award recognizes an innovation that has significantly enhanced the academic environment, whether through improving educational processes, enriching the learning experience, optimizing administrative functions, or fostering better communication and collaboration within the university community. The ideal candidate for this award is a digital innovation that demonstrates creativity, effectiveness, and a significant positive impact on the institution. This could be a new software, a unique application of existing technology, a digital platform, or any form of digital tool that has transformed aspects of the educational or operational landscape in the university. The award highlights innovations that not only address current challenges within higher education but also set a precedent for future technological advancements in the sector. It honours the visionaries who are reimagining the possibilities of digital technology in academia, showcasing how these innovations can lead to more efficient, engaging, and inclusive educational environments.

Evaluation criteria:
Please refer to the submission template for more information.

  • Innovation and Creativity
  • User Adoption and Accessibility
  • Impact on the Academic Environment
  • Scalability and Sustainability


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Innovation and Creativity 30%

User Adoption and Accessibility 20%

Impact on the Academic Environment 30%

Scalability and Sustainability 20%

TOTAL 100%

SDG Initiative of the Year


The SDG Initiative of the Year Award is a prestigious recognition dedicated to honoring outstanding initiatives within higher education that have demonstrated exceptional commitment and leadership in advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This award celebrates initiatives that embody the principles of sustainability, encompassing environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and economic viability. The ideal recipient of this award is an innovative initiative or program within a higher education institution that has made a significant impact in addressing one or more of the SDGs. The initiative should exhibit creativity, effectiveness, and a profound dedication to tackling pressing (global) challenges, such as poverty, inequality, climate change, sustainable consumption, or quality education. This award acknowledges the transformative power of initiatives within higher education, showcasing how these efforts have the potential to drive change, inspire future leaders, and contribute to the achievement of the SDGs. It highlights initiatives that have gone above and beyond in making a positive and lasting impact, setting a remarkable example for others to follow in the pursuit of a more sustainable world.

Evaluation criteria:
Please refer to the submission template for more information.

  • Alignment with SDGs
  • Innovation and Creativity
  • Impact and Measurable Outcomes
  • Sustainability and Scalability


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Alignment with SDGs 30%

Innovation and Creativity 30%

Impact and Measurable Outcomes 20%

Sustainability and Scalability 20%

TOTAL 100%

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