Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

Q: Who organises the Triple E Awards?

The Awards are organised by the Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities (ACEEU). Headquartered in Muenster, Germany, ACEEU is the premier provider of quality assurance for entrepreneurship and engagement in higher education. Please visit ACEEU Website for more information.

Q: Which organisations are eligible to apply?

Eligible are all Higher Education Institutions and related institutions (for example, external TTOs or incubators related to a university, or a network of universities). Individuals are also eligible for the individual award categories. Please also check out the "Regions" page, which specifies the eligible countries and the region to which a country belongs.

Q: Can any financial support be provided for travel and accommodation?

The organisers are not able to provide any financial support for travel and accommodation.

Q: Are there any costs attached to the Awards?

There are no costs attached to submitting an entry to the Awards. However, finalists are required to attend and purchase an event ticket for the ACEEU Forum during which the Awards Ceremony will be held. For more information, visit our page on the Award Ceremony

Q: Are there any cash prizes for award winners?

The Triple E Awards do not offer any cash prizes but focus on providing recognition in the form of visibility and recognition to the winners.

Q: How can I get a certificate of attendance after the event is over?

After the event, a certificate of attendance will be made available for download in the password-protected area of the Triple E Awards website.

Q: How can I get invoice for the event fee/ticket?

The invoice is automatically generated during the registration process and sent to the email specified in the registration process.


Q: How do I submit an entry?

Visit our "Apply Now" page. After your registration, you will receive an email containing your login details for our submission portal where you can hand in entries for all award categories that you are eligible to. Visit our "Award Categories" pages to learn more about the details that are requested during the submission process. These details differ from Award category to Award category. Please note that you are required to create a new account, even if you have participated in previous editions of the Triple E Awards.

Q: Can I nominate myself for an individual award (e.g. Entrepreneurial Leader of the Year, or Entrepreneurship Educator of the Year)?

Yes, you can nominate yourself, or be nominated by someone else. In the evaluation, this does not make any difference. If you nominate someone else, please make sure that the nominated person agrees to the nomination and will be able to join the Ceremony. It would be sad for the nominee to miss the event (should this still happen, someone would have to join instead of the nominee).

Q: What are the evaluation criteria?

Each award category has its own evaluation criteria. You can find these criteria on the Award Categories pages.

Q: Who comprises the judging committee?

All entries will be evaluated by at least three international experts. These include leaders from universities, subject experts in education, research, management, and operations as well as company representatives with a vibrant mixture of backgrounds, expertise areas and fields. We aim to celebrate diversity and promote younger subject experts, such as PhD candidates to consider different perspectives.

Q: Will there be public voting or is it solely judged by the panel?

The Triple E Awards feature an expert evaluation and community voting. Based on the evaluation of selected experts, the winner, runner up etc. of each Award category will be selected. Based on the community voting results, a "People's Choice" award is given to one finalist in each category as well as to the entry that received the most votes overall (across categories). For more information on the Community Voting / People's Choice awards, click here.

Q: Where can I find the deadlines for submitting my entries?

Please check the landing page for an overview of the key dates.

Q: When will the shortlisted entries be published?

The publication date of the shortlisted entries is expected to be February 27, 2023. Other important key dates can also be found here.

Q: Can I edit my entries once submitted?

After submission, you may re-open the entry again and submit an updated version before the deadline.

Awards Ceremony

Q: Will the award ceremony be live-streamed?

The Ceremony will also be live-streamed online, free of charge.

Q: How can I get find the link to watch the livestream of the award ceremony?

If you wish to watch the livestream of the award ceremony, you need to register and we will send you a reminder and streaming link closer to the event. You can find the link to the registration on finalist page.

Q: I am bringing my family to the event, can they attend the award ceremony on the day I am awarded?

We are delighted that your family will be joining you; however, the event space is only open to participants.

Event Program/ Schedule

Q: Where can I find the schedule of the event I am attending? Can I get access to the detailed agenda/ program before the event?

We will advance the agenda in the coming months and a detailed agenda will be available around one to two months before the event.

Q: Is there an opportunity to present my entry during the event?

Every finalist will be able to present their work either in an oral presentation or as a poster. As oral presentation slots are limited, we will inquire how many finalists are interested and in case the interest exceeds the slots available, make a draw to select the presenters.

Venue and Logistics

Q: Where is the event venue located, and how can I get there?

Please visit the Ceremony landing page to find more information about travel to the event.

Q: I am bringing my family to the event but they will not attend any of the sessions/ award ceremony, can they still stay on the premises while the event takes place?

We are delighted that your family will be joining you; however, the event space is only open to participants. There are many interesting sights and activities nearby to entertain your family while the event is taking place.

Q: Are there accommodation recommendations near the event venue?

Please visit the Ceremony landing page to find more information about accommodation suggestions.

Q: Is the venue accessible for people with disabilities?

Generally speaking, most facilities are accessible for people with disabilities. However, please contact us before the event if you have any specific requirements: we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

Q: I need to obtain a visa to attend the award ceremony/ Forum, how can the organiser support my visa application?

Please write a timely email to events@aceeu.org and we will support you in the visa acquisition process.

Technology and Support

Q: Are there press releases or media kits available?

Media kits are available here.

Q: Can finalists or winners use the Triple E Awards's branding for promotional purposes?

We encourage you to spread the word about the Triple E Awards and your achievements. Please visit our "Promotion page" for more information.

Post-Event Information

Q: How can I provide feedback after the event?

A post-event feedback survey might be distributed, we value receiving feedback as early as possible and would therefore encourage you to send it through our Contact Form.

Q: Are there plans for future editions of the Triple E Awards?

Yes, the Triple E Awards are hosted annually. If you are interested in joining future events, we recommend to follow us on social media (Twitter, LinkedIn) and register to our newsletter.

2025 © ACEEU. All rights reserved.