
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Activators of the Year Award

Transforming Academia Through SMU Industry Project-based Experiential Learning (INDEX)

Finalist of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Activators of the Year Award

Singapore Management University - Singapore

"Real Projects, Real Impact, Real Future"

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The SMU Industry Project-based Experiential Learning (INDEX) programme, also known as SMU-X, is a pioneering initiative that bridges the gap between academia and industry. It provides students with hands-on experience by engaging them in real-world projects across various sectors, including start-ups, SMEs, MNCs, non-profits, and governmental agencies. The programme’s innovative approach integrates academic rigor with practical application, fostering a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation. Key Highlights: 1. Innovative Learning Model: SMU INDEX’s project-based learning model allows students to work on actual business challenges, enhancing their problem-solving skills, creativity, and adaptability. This model stands out for its interdisciplinary nature, encouraging collaboration among students from different faculties. 2. Comprehensive Engagement and Outreach: The programme actively engages students, faculty, and industry partners through workshops, seminars, competitions, and mentorship programs. Effective communication channels ensure that the academic community is well-informed and motivated to participate. 3. Global Exposure: SMU INDEX provides students with opportunities for international collaboration, giving them a broader perspective on global business practices and cultural nuances. 4. Tangible Impact on Entrepreneurial Culture: The programme is not limited to students from the business school. As a uni-wide programme, numerous students in the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes across all schools have access to this programme. Forming diverse teams with members from other schools enhances their ability to work with individuals from diverse disciplinary backgrounds. SMU INDEX is unique in its comprehensive and adaptable approach to experiential learning. Its emphasis on real-world applications, interdisciplinary collaboration, and continuous innovation sets new standards in higher education.

Key People

Vice Provost (Education)
Office of the Provost,  Singapore Management University

Academic Director (SMU-X)
Office of the Provost,  Singapore Management University

Kevin KOH
Head (SMU-X)
Office of the Provost,  Singapore Management University

Derek Chiang
Senior Development Partner
Office of the Provost,  Singapore Management University

Yvonne KONG-HO
Deputy Head (SMU-X)
Office of the Provost,  Singapore Management University

John Tay
Development Partner
Office of the Provost,  Singapore Management University

Joyce Tay
Development Partner
Office of the Provost,  Singapore Management University


Venky SHANKARARAMAN, Vice Provost (Education), Office of the Provost, Singapore Management University
Yuanto KUSNADI, Academic Director (SMU-X), Office of the Provost, Singapore Management University
Kevin KOH, Head (SMU-X), Office of the Provost, Singapore Management University
Yvonne KONG-HO, Deputy Head (SMU-X), Office of the Provost, Singapore Management University
Derek Chiang, Senior Development Partner, Office of the Provost, Singapore Management University
John Tay, Development Partner, Office of the Provost, Singapore Management University
Joyce Tay, Development Partner, Office of the Provost, Singapore Management University


Exchange ideas on project with industry practitioners

Group photo with the SMU INDEX project sponsors after the final presentation

SMU INDEX student presenting their prototype to the project sponsors

SMU INDEX students delivering their final presentation pitch to project sponsors

SMU INDEX students doing their pitch at industry partners' premises


Impacting lifes

Seng Hua Hng Foodstuffs Private Limited (SHH) has long been a trailblazer in the food industry, celebrated for its innovative spirit. As the company set its sights on regional expansion, it faced a pivotal challenge: the need for precise demand forecasting and financial insights to navigate new markets effectively. Historically relying on rough estimates, SHH recognized that advancing to a more data-driven approach was essential for making strategic, informed decisions.

In a bid to revolutionize its expansion strategy, SHH partnered with the Singapore Management University’s (SMU) Accounting Analytics Capstone course. This collaboration marked the beginning of a transformative journey, as SHH embraced innovation and cutting-edge data analytics to refine its business strategy. SMU students utilized predictive analytics to develop a sophisticated in-house data capability, delivering crucial insights into both domestic and international growth opportunities, potential new product lines, and more accurate financial forecasts.

The impact of this partnership was profound. Enhanced demand forecasting and data-driven insights allowed SHH to streamline operations, target growth areas with precision, and confidently penetrate new markets. This strategic overhaul not only strengthened SHH’s market position but also invigorated the regional economy by fostering growth and entrepreneurial spirit.
For the SMU students, the project was an invaluable learning experience. They developed practical expertise in data analytics, project management, and client engagement, tackling real-world challenges alongside industry leaders. This collaboration showcased the potential of academic-industry partnerships to drive business innovation while equipping future professionals with the skills needed to thrive and lead in a dynamic entrepreneurial landscape.


Lessons learned

1. Project-based Experiential Learning:
One of the most impactful realizations was the transformative power of combining academic learning with hands-on projects from industry partners. Engaging students in real-world problems deepens their understanding and equips them with practical skills. This experiential learning approach fosters a deeper connection between theoretical knowledge and its practical applications, making education more relevant and impactful.

2. Interdisciplinary Approach:
A significant learning was the immense value of tackling challenges through an interdisciplinary lens. By integrating insights from various fields, we were able to develop more holistic and innovative solutions. This approach encourages students to think beyond traditional boundaries, fostering creativity and problem-solving skills that are essential in today’s complex world.

3. Active Mentoring:
The importance of active mentoring from industry partners, non-profits, and government organizations cannot be overstated. This mentorship provides students with invaluable guidance and real-world insights, enhancing their learning experience. Furthermore, the collaboration between faculty and industry experts ensures that the projects are both academically rigorous and practically relevant, bridging the gap between theory and practice.

4. Tripartite Learning Loop:
The tripartite learning loop—where students, faculty, and industry partners continuously learn from each other—proved to be a cornerstone of our success. This iterative learning process allowed students to apply theoretical knowledge in practical settings, faculty to refine their teaching based on real-world feedback, and industry partners to gain fresh perspectives and innovative solutions. This continuous learning loop is essential in a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) world, ensuring that all parties remain adaptable and forward-thinking.


What's coming?

The Singapore Management University (SMU) Industry Project-based Experiential Learning (INDEX) programme, also known as SMU-X, is dedicated to continuous growth and innovation. Our future plans include expanding global partnerships to enhance students' international exposure. By establishing more collaborations with universities and industries worldwide, we aim to provide opportunities for our students to engage in global projects, enriching their understanding of diverse business practices and cultural nuances.

Expanding industry engagement is another key focus. We plan to broaden our network of industry partners across various sectors, providing students with a wider range of projects and opportunities to engage with different industries. Establishing corporate innovation labs in collaboration with industry leaders will further bridge the gap between academia and industry, offering students the chance to work on live projects and experiments.

Customized learning paths will be developed to cater to individual interests and career goals. This includes personalized learning experiences and specialized tracks in different areas of entrepreneurship and innovation. Offering micro-credentials and certifications for specific skills acquired through the programme will enhance the employability of our graduates.

We are committed to enhancing technological integration within the programme. By incorporating advanced digital tools such as AI, machine learning, blockchain, and virtual and augmented reality into our projects, we aim to provide students with cutting-edge skills and immersive learning experiences. This integration will prepare them to tackle complex real-world challenges using the latest technological advancements.

Recognizing the critical importance of sustainability and digital transformation, we plan to intensify our efforts in these areas. By integrating sustainable practices and cutting-edge digital solutions into our projects, we aim to set new benchmarks for responsible and forward-thinking innovation. Our initiatives will continue to address pressing global issues, promoting sustainable development and digital inclusivity.

Strengthening our alumni network is crucial for long-term success. We plan to involve successful alumni as mentors and advisors, providing invaluable insights and support to current students. Additionally, offering support and resources for alumni who have ventured into entrepreneurship will create a cycle of continuous growth and support within our community.



Students impacted since 2015


SMU INDEX courses offered


Student satisfaction rate


Organizations involved across various industries (start-ups, SMEs, MNC, non-profits and government agencies


Student projects completed


Overseas project locations


Students in Overseas Project Experience


Total student enrolments in SMU INDEX courses


Students reporting a positive impact on learning

6.16/ 7

Average instructor rating

6.07/ 7

Average course rating

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